Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tailor-made for self gain DAP style – MCA Youth Perak

Press statement by Dato’ Dr Mah Hang Soon, MCA Youth Perak chairman and MCA Youth National Deputy Chairman

Why is Nga Kor Ming running away from meeting up with the challenge he posed to the blogger who first produced documents (payment vouchers, minutes, Companies Commission Malaysia [CCM] registration papers) indicating that Nga’s wife’s company Ethan & Elton Sdn Bhd had won the bid to supply and sew lounge suits for Ipoh city councillors after Pakatan Rakyat took office in 2008? The said blogger, Ahmad Sofiyan has already lodged a report with the Perak MACC headquarters. If Nga has nothing to shroud away, then coming up with plausible explanations should not pose a hassle.

It is a matter of public interest as to why, despite giving the most expensive quotation of RM650 per piece and being the last company being considered, while Goodman Tailor offered the lowest price of RM450, Nga’s wife company was still selected? The onus is on the state authority then to explain why Goodman Tailor’s appointment was revoked in favour of Ethan & Elton although the initial selection committee had chosen the former with the lowest bid.

There must have been a much higher authority who stepped in which we know has happened because there are minutes that the state-level authority had interfered.

If the allegations made on are forged as Nga claims, why is the Pantan Remis state assemblyman hesitating to sue the blogger for slander?

Feigning ignorance

Unless of course, Nga is totally clueless of the happenings in the local enforcement bodies which he is responsible for. What more, the suits were ordered for the Ipoh city councillors, the main local authority of the capital of the silver state.

Too much of a coincidence – Ethan & Elton registered with CCM after Nga appointed exco

In the chronology of events, the decision to award Goodman Tailor was made on 3 Apr 2011. However, after Nga was appointed as state exco with the local government portfolio, Ethan & Elton was registered with the CCM whereby Nga’s wife Wong Seow Ching is one of the directors. This is too much of a coincidence.

As a lawmaker at both the federal and state level, and since Pakatan Rakyat had shouted for the end of cronyism and corruption, Nga owes the public an explanation as to how his wife’s company could slip through under the radar. Otherwise, all DAP has to show is double standards of not practising what one preaches.

Dato’ Dr Mah Hang Soon
MCA Youth Perak Chairman & MCA Youth National Deputy Chairman
State Assemblyman for Chenderiang
Perak Executive Councillor for Health, Local Government & Environment


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