Thursday, May 24, 2012

Putrajaya to unveil ‘rescue’ mission for Indians - The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 24 – Officials in Putrajaya will huddle with a team of professionals over the next few months to formulate a comprehensive plan aimed at “rescuing” the country’s Indian poor, in an apparent effort by Barisan Nasional (BN) to cement their support from the community ahead of an election expected soon.

The initiative, announced today by Datuk Seri G. Palanivel (picture), is expected to be finalised during a roundtable conference to be chaired by Datuk Seri Najib Razak, which is expected to be called by July.
Among others, the conference will include representatives from the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry, International Trade and Industry Ministry, Women, Family and Community Development Ministry, Women’s Development Department, Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM), Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia, Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (Asli), Singapore Indian Development Association, Entrepreneur Economic Fund (Tekun),  Petronas, Khazanah Nasional Bhd, Securities Commission (SC), Indian contractors, businessmen, academicians, consultants bankers and those in the agriculture industry.
Palanivel, who was appointed to the post of lead minister for Indian affairs under Najib’s Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) last year, said the government could not take its Indian support for granted, despite reports that the community has begun returning to BN’s fold.
“The prime minister must help us. He has to give us a sizeable budget to take the Indian community out of their present problems,” he told a press conference here after meeting with several think tank groups on the proposed initiative.
“For the Indian support to return to BN, we need to rescue the people. The more we do that, the more our support will grow.
“We cannot depend on the existing support and be confident that everyone has come back to us. The more we help them, the more they grow confident and the more our support will grow.”
It has been more than four years since over 30,000 members of the Indian community marched during the infamous Hindraf gathering in November 2007 to protest against allegedly unfair policies of the BN government.
The Indian community has long been seen as a “fixed deposit” vote bank for BN but Hindraf’s march to the Petronas Twin Towers blew the lid on the group’s simmering frustration over being left out of development for decades.
The tumultuous event, together with Bersih’s first march for free and fair elections, have been credited for the staggering losses suffered by the ruling coalition during the March 8, 2008, general election.
The historic polls saw BN only taking 140 seats in the 222-seat Parliament, losing its customary two-thirds majority, as well as four state governments and Kelantan, which has remained in PAS hands for 20 over years. A coalition needs 112 MPs to gain a simple majority and 148 to win two-thirds.
However since then, the now outlawed Hindraf movement has split up, with some leaders favouring the BN government while others have aligned themselves with the federal opposition or grown completely disenchanted with both coalition.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Kajian kecenderungan PRU13 oleh UMCEDEL mendapati sokongan Pengundi India pada BN meningkat

Hasil kajian yang dijalankan oleh University of Malaya Centre for Democracy and Elections (UMCEDEL) baru-baru ini mendapati sokongan pengundi kaum India pada kerajaan BN di Malaysia meningkat dengan ketara berbanding dengan PRU12 pada tahun 2008.

Dengan bilangan responden seramai 2,282 orang dari berbagai lapisan masyarakat dengan mengambil kira demografi yang sehampir mungkin dengan taburan penduduk Malaysia serta kaji selidik dengan peratus kepercayaan sebanyak 95%, kajian yang dijalankan di antara 31 Mac 2012 hingga 15 April 2012 berjaya menunjukkan bahawa usaha kerajaan seperti BR1M, Kedai Rakyat 1M, Kelinik 1Malaysia serta program Transformasi Kerajaan telah mendatangkan hasil yang positif.

Pendekatan yang digunakan oleh YAB PM Dato Seri Najib mendekati masyarakat bukan Melayu telah mendapat persetujuan 85% pengundi India.

Rata-rata, rakyat di kawasan luar bandar serta rakyat miskin dengan pendapatan keluarga kurang dari RM3,000 sebulan telah mendapat faedah yang diberikan kerajaan. Walaupun amaunnya dirasakan kurang tetapi ianya banyak membantu mereka. Justeru, hasil kajiselidik yang mengkaji persepsi pengundi telah menunjukkan tanda-tanda positif.

86% pengundi India juga bersetuju bahawa YAB PM mempunyai keperibadian yang amat menyenangkan.

Manakala 89% pengundi India merasakan YAB PM mempunyai hubungan erat dengan rakyat.

Kajian tersebut juga mendapati sokongan terhadap BN (49%) adalah lebih tinggi dari sokongan pengundi terhadap PR (21%).

Yang amat membanggakan ialah sokongan pengundi India pada kerajaan BN (67%) di Perak adalah tertinggi berbanding dengan sokongan mereka pada PR (5%). Selaku Ketua Pemuda MIC Perak, saya menyeru semua pemimpin pemuda MIC Perak supaya bekerja keras untuk memastikan kejayaan BN khasnya di Perak agar rakyat Perak dapat menikmati pertumbuhan yang sedang pesat di bawah kepimpinan YAB DS PM, YAB MB Perak DS Zambry Abd Kadir serta kepimpinan Pengerusi Perhubungan Perak YB DS G. Palanivel.
