Friday, January 27, 2012

Program Senamrobik Gong Xi Fa Cai Anjuran Open University Malaysia bersama Pemuda MIC Perak dan Taiping

Banner Program Senamrobik telah digantung di perkarangan Dataran Kedamaian Taiping

Pada hari Ahad ini 29 Januari 2012, Pemuda MIC Perak, Pemuda MIC Taiping serta Open University Malaysia dengan kerjasama Persatuan Kecergasan Negeri Perak akan mengadakian program Senamrobik Gong Xi Fa Cai di Dataran Kedamaian Taiping (Taiping Lake Garden) bermula jam 7.00pagi.

Objektif program ini adalah untuk menimbulkan kesedaran kepada orang ramai betapa pentingnya menjada kesihatan badan kita kerana badan yang sihat akan melahirkan minda yang cergas dan ini akan dapat menyumbang kepada peningkatan produktiviti modal insan.

Pihak Open University Malaysia akan memberikan T' Shirt percuma kepada 150 orang peserta pertama yang menyertai Program Senamrobik ini yang akan dibimbing oleh Puan Jamunarani, jurulatih senamrobik dari Persatuan Kecergasan Negeri Perak.

Terdahulu dari ini, Open University Malaysia, yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 2001 dengan bilangan pelajar lebih dari 120,000 telah berjaya menganjurkan senamrobik di Taman Rekreasi Sultan Abdul Aziz, Tambun, Perak pada 7 Jan 2012 dan Pendakian Bukit Bangkong, Tanah Hitam, Perak pada 31 Dis 2011.

Orang ramai dijemput hadir untuk menyertai program ini secara percuma.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

BN Youth dares DAP to prove more Malay membership - Malaysiakini

Barisan Nasional (BN) Youth is challenging the DAP leadership to announce the number of Malay members of the party to prove that it is a multiracial party.

BN Youth head Khairy Jamaluddin said the ability of the DAP to submit only three Malay party members could not justify the party in claiming that it is a multiracial party.

“The BN Youth challenges the DAP to announce the number of its Malay memberships... don’t just show the three members but all the (Malay) members if it is truly a multi-racial party,” he told reporters after making a working visit to the Buntong state constituency in Ipoh today.

He challenged the DAP leadership at all levels to prove its Malay membership.

Meanwhile, Khairi expressed his confidence that the BN would be the choice of the young generation in the 13th general election based on the result of the previous by-elections.

So far, the number of people who had registered as members of Umno Youth had reached 100,000.

However, he said BN still needed to intensify preparation not only at the divisional level but also campaigning vigorously in cyber space using the media, Facebook and Twitter.

“What is important is that we ensure adequate preparation before the next general election,” he said.

Monday, January 23, 2012

MB Harap Tahun Naga Beri Tuah Pada Kerajaan Perak - PerakToday,com

Tahun Baru Cina yang dianggap sebagai tahun Naga oleh masyarakat cina dipercayai bakal membawa tuah dan atas sebab itu perayaan kali ini disambut dengan suasana meriah dan dalam keadaan harmoni.

Naga yang dipercayai makhluk yang melambangkan kepimpinan yang jitu serta mempunyai keberanian luar biasa ternyata amat sinonim dengan kerajaan negeri Perak yang sentiasa bekerja keras demi menjaga kebajikan rakyat pelbagai kaum.

Sambutan yang diadakan di Kediaman Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir itu menyaksikan hampir 15 ribu rakyat Perak membanjiri Rumah Terbuka sempena Tahun Baru Cina itu semata-mata untu sama-sama meraikan perayaan bagi kaum Cina.

Menurut Zambry, tahun Naga yang sinonim dengan kepercayaan dalam aspek panjang umur serta kepimpinan yang bekerja keras amat bertepatan sekali dengan usaha kerajaan negeri.

“Semua elemen ini penting untuk dalam usaha kita untuk mencapai perpaduan kaum dan sekaligus melonjakkan pembangunan… setiap cabaran yang bakal kita tempuhi tahun ini akan pasti dapat diharungi.

Malah katanya, perayaan Tahun Baru Cina kali ini wajar dijadikan sebagai permulaan untuk memperkukuhkan lagi hubungan keluarga dengan mengadakan pertemuan atau menziarahi sanak saudara.
Katanya,tradisi kunjung mengunjung dan rumah terbuka terus diadakan di merata-rata tempat dan turut disertai oleh pelbagai kaum dan lapisan masyarakat.

Majlis yang bermula seawal jam 11 pagi itu turut diserikan dengan keberangkatan Sultan Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah serta Raja Permaisuri Bainun.

Turut menyerikan majlis, Raja Muda, Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah serta Raja Puan Besar Perak, Tuanku Zara Salim.

Sultan Perak turut memeriahkan majlis dengan melakukan “Yee Sang” iaitu hidangan utama pada sambutan Tahun Baru Cina bersama-sama Zambry serta Exco Kerajaan Tempatan Perak, Datuk Dr. Mah Hang Soon.

Yee Sang dipercayai dikalangan masyarakat cina sebagai juadah membawa tuah.

Selain itu rakyat pelbagai kaum turut dijamu pelbagai juadah termasuk kuih bakul dan kuih bangkit, sate dan berbagai lagi.

Sementara itu, persiapan untuk menyambut sambutan Rumah Terbuka Malaysia Tahun Baru Cina di Sitiawan, Perak pada Sabtu ini sedang giat dilakukan.

Program Turun Padang DUN Buntong dan Kawasan Parlimen Ipoh Barat oleh YB Khairy Jamaluddin

YB Khairy Jamaluddin sedang berucap

Turut berucap ialah Sdra T. Mohan

Pagi tadi 23 Jan 2012, Sdra YB Khairy Jamaluddin (Ketua Pemuda BN Malaysia) serta Sdra T. Mohan (Ketua Pemuda Kebangsaan MIC) telah turun padang ke DUN Buntong dan Kawasan Parlimen Ipoh Barat.

Majlis tersebut yang bermula pada jam 9.30pg telah diadakan di Dewan Serbaguna Kampung Baru, Buntong, Perak. Lebih dari 200 orang telah hadir ke majlis ini. Turut hadir, Sdra M. Veeran (Ketua Pemuda MIC Perak), bekas senator MIC dan Setiausaha MIC Perak YBhg Dato' N. Marimuthu, Sdra Khairul Azwan dan Sdra Jeyagopi, Penyelaras DUN Buntong.

Dalam ucapan perasmiannya, Sdra YB Khairy Jamaluddin, menyatakan bahawa BN telah banyak membawa perubahan dan kemajuan kepada negara kita demi kepentingan rakyat. Di bawah kepimpinan YAB Dato' Seri Najib, kerajaan telah memberi bantuan BR1M sebanyak RM500 setiap keluarga kepada rakyat berpendapatan kurang dari RM3,000 sebulan baru-baru ini bagi meringankan beban harian mereka.

Kerajaan juga telah memberi bantuan RM100 kepada setiap orang pelajar serta memansuhkan yuran skolah. Pelajar sekolah serta IPT telah diberi baucer buku BB1M sebanyak RM200 untuk membantu mereka membeli buku sekolah dan alatulis tanpa mengira kaum. Kerajaan juga memberikan bonus kepada semua kakitangan kerajaan seperti dalam belajawan 2012.

Sdra T. Mohan sedang menyampaikan sumbangan pada masyarakat tempatan

Sdra T. Mohan dalam ucapannya menyatakan bahawa di bawah kepimpinan YB. Dato G. Palanivel, MIC telah berjaya memperolehi 6 lesen bagi membuka sekolah Tamil baru di mana salah sebuah sekolah akan dibina di Perak, 1 di Kedahm 1 di Johor dan 3 di Selangor. Hanya parti MIC yang dapat membantu masyarakat India di Malaysia.

Dalam majlis yang sama telah diadakan sumbangan kepada masyarakat tempatan. Sdra T. Mohan telah berbesar untuk menyampaikan sumbangan tersebut.

Gong Xi Fa Cai, Xin Nian Kuai Ler.

Wishing all fellow Malaysian, "Gong Xi Fa Cai, Xin Nian Kuai Ler, Wan Se Ru Yi, Nian Nian Kao Xing"

May the dragon year brings you joy and abundant wealth and good health.


Pemuda MIC Perak

Palanivel now lead minister for Indian affairs - Malaysiakini

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today announced that Minister in the Prime Minister's Department G Palanivel has been appointed as the lead minister for the socio-economic development of the Indian community in the country.

The announcement on the appointment of Palanivel, who is also MIC president, was made by Najib at the Malaysia Tamil Schools Community's annual gathering held at SJK Tamil Kinrara in Kuala Lumpur.

Najib said the community should build a vision centred on "nambikei" which is belief in Tamil to bring it forward.

"If we are guided by the principles and philosophy of 'nambikei' and if we have 'nambikei' among us, there is nothing that we cannot achieve and no problem that cannot be solved.

"I am hoping that this 'nambikei', which is a common platform in the Barisan Nasional (BN) leadership, will bring returns that we all can be proud of," he said.

Najib added that the government was committed to the future growth of Tamil schools, thereby the future of the Indian community in the country and that from 2009 till last year, the government had allocated RM340 million for physical and infrastructure development for Tamil schools across the nation.

He said, in terms of management and administration, the government had invested about RM2 billion for Tamil schools since 2009.

"In the 2012 Budget, I had announced an additional allocation of RM100 million for upgrading Tamil schools and for their physical and infrastructure development.

"The expenditure list is being prepared and I hope the sum will be spent well so as to truly benefit the schools concerned," he said.

CBF helped 4,000 students

He said the government was also cooperating on the matter on other funding groups like the 'community chest', a welfare fund which contributed RM5 million to Tamil schools last year alone.

He said he hoped government-linked companies (GLCs) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) would also contribute towards education development in the country including for Tamil schools.

"The government has also allocated RM3 million to Community Builders Foundation (CBF) whose chairman is the MIC preisdent.

"Through this NGO, we have helped more than 4,000 Tamil school students throughout the country who were weak in their studies but today have overcome the problem because of the intervention of the CBF.

"I have also helped the Sri Murugan Centre to produce outstanding students," he said, adding that as a result of the efforts, the performance of students at Tamil schools was on the uptrend, showing a 47 per cent increase in the number of students who scored 7As in the Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) examination between 2009 and 2011.

He added that last year, the number of Tamil school students passing all subjects in the UPSR reached a new record at 53 per cent and was confident that the percentage would improve in the future.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Najib among the most popular in ‘Twitterjaya’ with 400,000 followers - The Star

PETALING JAYA: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has gone to a whole new level in reaching out to the masses. His Twitter account has drawn more than 400,000 followers.

Signed in with the handle @NajibRazak, his number of followers hit the 400,000 mark at around 5pm yesterday, with at least another 1,000 following his account by 7pm.

“I got my 400,000th follower today! Thank you for your support, I look forward to more interactions with you all this year,” he said in a post which was also put up in Bahasa Malaysia.

An hour later, he tweeted that he was both delighted and humbled to obtain 400,000 Twitter followers and promised to do all he could for them and the nation.

While Najib is not the first Malaysian politician to become part of “Twitterjaya” – as Malaysian Twitter folks call the site – he is arguably among the most popular.

Najib, who started tweeting on Sept 21, 2008, has been actively engaging the public through the micro-blogging site, using his account to field questions, which he later responded to via videos posted on

No issue is too small for the Prime Minister, who took the trouble to personally respond to as many queries as possible – from posting birthday wishes to checking on bus availability for students in rural areas.

Program Lawatan Kerja YB Khairy Jamaluddin dan Sdra T. Mohan ke Perak pada 23 Jan 2012

Berikut adalah program lawatan kerja YB Khairy Jamaluddin, Pengerusi Pemuda BN dan Sdra T. Mohan, Pemuda MIC Kebangsaan ke Perak pada 23 Jan 2012:

10 pagi - Program penyampaian Sumbangan di Buntong

11 pagi - Pelancaran BN Pilihan Orang Muda di Taman Mior Aris, Padang Rengas

12 tgh - Pelancaran Gerak Gempur dan Skua Bermotor Pemuda Lenggong serta Rally Motorcross Terbuka Malaysia anjuran Pemuda BN Lenggong

Semua dijemput hadir.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Majlis Penyampaian Sumbangan Sempena Perayaan Ponggal oleh YB Dato' Tan Lian Hoe

Petang tadi telah diadakan suatu Majlis Penyampaian Sumbangan sempena Perayaan Ponggal anjuran Persatuan Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan Taiping. Majlis telah dirasmikan oleh YB Dato' Tan Lian Hoe di Dewan MPT, Taiping, Perak.

Lebih dari 150 orang telah hadir ke majlis ini. Turut hadir En. Devaraju, En. Jeyagopalan, En. V. Raman dan Sdra Veeran, Ketua Pemuda MIC Perak merangkap Ketua Pemuda MIC Taiping.

Dalam ucapannya. YB Dato' Tan mengucapkan syabas kepada Persatuan Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan Taiping kerana berjaya menyediakan sumbangan kepada Masyarakat India yang memerlukannya. Beliau juga menasihatkan sidang hadirin supaya berhati-hati memilih wakil rakyat mereka dam PRU13 yang akan berlangsung tidak lama lagi.

Beliau juga mengkritik Pakatan Rakyat yang tidak membantu masyarakat India.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pertandingan Bola Sepak 7 Sebelah anjuran Pemuda MIC Perak dan Pemuda BN Perak

Pertandingan Bola Sepak 7 Sebelah Piala MB Perak anjuran Pemuda MIC Perak dan Pemuda BN Perak telah dijadualkan pada 5 Feb 2012. Pertandingan ini akan dijalankan di Padang Bola Sepak Ipoh.

YAB Menteri Besar Perak Dato' Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir akan hadir untuk acara penutup dan seterusnya menyampaikan hadiah pertandingan.

Bagi mereka yang berminat untuk menyertai bolehlah mendapatkan borang penyertaan dari Pejabat MIC Perak di Medan Kidd, Ipoh, Perak. Tarikh tututo penyertaan ialah 5 Feb 2012 jam 8.00pg.

Najib Suarakan Kegembiraan Terhadap Komitmen Kaum India Di Malaysia - The Star

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak menyuarakan kegembiraannya terhadap komitmen dan kepercayaan atau 'nambikei' kaum India di Malaysia, dengan berkata kepercayaan yang utuh adalah sangat penting "sambil kita bersama-sama melakukan transformasi ke atas Malaysia".

Menerusi mesej yang dimuatkan dalam laman blog sempena sambutan pesta Ponggal, Sabtu, Perdana Menteri berkata sebagai rakyat Malaysia "kita akan terus bekerja bersama-sama untuk melakukan transformasi ke atas Malaysia dan oleh itu memastikan segala-galanya cukup bagi semua kaum."

"Sambil kita berkongsi budaya rakan-rakan kita dan tradisi mereka menanak susu dan beras sehingga mendidih sebagai melambangkan limpahan kekayaan dari bumi kita, semua rakyat Malaysia sesungguhnya boleh bersyukur kerana Malaysia sebuah negara yang subur dan menghasilkan banyak makanan," katanya.

Najib turut menggambarkan Ponggal atau pesta menyambut musim menuai sebagai masa yang istimewa bagi kaum India memandangkan ia menandakan permulaan bulan 'Thai' yang baik dalam kalendar India dan kebetulan menjadi pesta utama yang pertama bagi masyarakat India dalam tahun baru ini.

"Sambil semua rakyat Malaysia melangkah ke tahun 2012 dengan keyakinan dan azam yang diperbaharui, kita sekali lagi diingatkan tentang kekayaan kepelbagaian negara yang kita sokong dan pupuk dengan bangga ini," katanya.

Perdana Menteri turut mengucapkan 'Ponggal Vaalthukal' dan selamat menyambut 'Ponggal' kepada seluruh masyarakat India di Malaysia.

"Dalam semangat sebenar 1Malaysia, ayuhlah kita sekali lagi berganding bahu dan menyertai rakan-rakan kita serta meraikan pesta ini dengan harapan agar bersama-sama, kita akan mendapat lebih banyak lagi tuaian yang melimpah ruah dalam tahun-tahun mendatang," katanya.

Sementara itu, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin pula berkata kepelbagaian budaya di negara ini membolehkan rakyat Malaysia dapat melihat kerencaman budaya yang unik dan menarik.

Beliau turut menyarankan rakyat Malaysia mempelajari budaya kaum lain bagi mendapatkan gambaran lebih jelas tentang apa yang sebenarnya diraikan setiap daripada kaum di negara ini.

"Hanya dengan belajar dan memahami apa sebenarnya tujuan dan kepentingan sesuatu perayaan itu, maka kita sama-sama boleh menghargai perayaan kaum lain sekali gus merapatkan hubungan sesama kaum di negara ini," katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini, Sabtu, sempena perayaan Ponggal, Ahad.

"Dalam memelihara hubungan sesama kaum, seluruh rakyat Malaysia mesti berganding bahu untuk memastikan benteng perpaduan yang telah dibina tidak dirobek oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab," katanya.

Muhyiddin, yang juga Menteri Pelajaran, berkata sempena perayaan itu, rakyat Malaysia terutamanya kalangan generasi muda perlu mengenali sesuatu perayaan itu dengan lebih mendalam.

Sambil mengucapkan 'Selamat Hari Ponggal' kepada semua masyarakat India, beliau berharap sambutan yang menandakan permulaan penting kepada masyarakat India ini akan membawa masa depan yang lebih gemilang kepada mereka dengan limpahan pelbagai kejayaan yang memberangsangkan. - BERNAMA

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Majlis Perayaan Ponggal di SJK (T) Sungkai dirasmikan YBhg Datin Kanagam Palanivel

Malam tadi telah diadakan Majlis Perayaan Ponggal di SJK (T) Sungkai, Perak. Majlis tersebut telah dirasmikan oleh YBhg Datin Kanagam Palanivel, isteri kepada Presiden MIC, YBhg Dato' G. Palanivel.

Lebih dari 100 orang telah hadir ke majlis ini. Turut hadir dalam majlis tersebut ialah YBhg Dato. S. Veerasingam, Pengerusi MIC Perak, YB Dato' R. Ganesan, Dato' Murugiah, Dato' Ramachandran, Dato' KR Naidu dan Sdra Veeran, Ketua Pemuda MIC Perak.

Dalam ucapan perasmiannya, YBhg Datin Kanagam meminta agar masyarakat India di Malaysia bersatu padu di bawah MIC.

1MCA microcredit fund for all races launched - The Star

KUALA LUMPUR: Existing and prospective business owners aged between 21 and 45 can apply for the 1MCA microcredit scheme after the Chinese New Year.

MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said the programme was meant to provide financial aid of up to a maximum of RM20,000 to youths of all races.

"A total of RM40mil is available for application under the scheme, which will be managed by the two cooperatives under the party - Koperasi Jayadiri Malaysia Berhad and Koperasi Serbaguna Malaysia.

"The interest rate is 7% and successful applicants will be given five years to repay the loan," he told reporters after chairing the party's presidential council meeting here Tuesday.

He said the party welcomed youths of all races and religious backgrounds to apply for the loan.

Dr Chua said youths who were attached to any non-governmental organisation or political party, regardless of their divide, and single parents would gain an extra 10 points for the credit evaluation.

"The extra points they earn will give them priority status in their applications," he said.

He said those interested in applying for the loan could download the application form from the party website.

2,711 Penangites among the first to receive BR1M benefit - The Star

BUTTERWORTH: After a torrent of misfortunes, 67-year-old matriarch Lalitha Arumugam received a small respite with the RM500 voucher under the Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) scheme.

Her 75-year-old husband C. Krishnan, a former Telekom employee who was diagnosed with abdominal tumour, died in August last year, while her son Kaliappan, 46, a clerk with Universiti Sains Malaysia, died of liver cirrhosis 13 days later.

Kaliappan's wife, S. Shanti, 46, a factory production operator, recently fractured her leg and shoulder in an accident while travelling to her workplace.

Lalitha's daughter Kanchana, 45, a clinic assistant, was widowed five years ago when her husband, M. Nagarethinam, then 43, an ambulance driver, died from brain haemorrhage after a fall while helping to clean a temple.

Cash assistance: People lining up to receive the RM500 vouchers at SK Bukit Gelugor, Penang yesterday. (Inset) The recipients crowding the counters set up to get the BR1M vouchers at Dewan Seri Amar, Chukai in Kemaman, Terengganu yesterday. — Bernama

Shanti has three children aged between 13 and 22, and Kanchana has three, aged between 12 and 19.

Lalitha said three of her grandchildren were pursuing diploma courses at Politeknik Seberang Prai, while her remaining grandchildren were still schooling.

“Together, we try to make ends meet,” she said after receiving the RM500 voucher from Barisan Nasional's Bagan parliamentary constituency co-ordinator David Chua under the BR1M scheme at SJK Sungai Puyu here yesterday.

“I am thankful to the Federal Government for giving us the money, which is useful to buy grocery supplies for the next few months.”

Lalitha was among 2,711 residents from the constituency, who received their vouchers yesterday.

Pasir Penambang resident Tan Siew Lan is elated after receiving her RM500 under the Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia scheme at the SKJC Khai Tee school hall in Pasir Penambang, near Kuala Selangor, yesterday. The handing over of the money to households earning RM3,000 and below a month began nationwide yesterday

She and others under the scheme were among the first to receive the vouchers, which could be cashed out at Inland Revenue Board offices.

Penang Umno chief Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman said 44,830 people in Penang were receiving their vouchers from Saturday till Thursday.

The RM500 is a one-off payment for households with incomes below RM3,000.

Meanwhile in PERAK, Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah said more than 50% of 4.1 million BR1M applicants began receiving their assistance yesterday, Bernama reported

He said the aid would be distributed to the first group of recipients, even though the Government had extended the deadline for applications to Feb 10.

PM Najib joins Taiping folk in morning exercise and breakfast - The Star

TAIPING: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak joined the people of Taiping in a walkabout and morning exercise here.

Taiping, formerly known as Klian Pauh, began as a small mining town and grew to become the first state capital of Perak. Much of its historical facade remain evident today, earning it the status of a heritage town.

Najib, who arrived here on Friday night, joined about 4,000 people at the Esplanade in Taman Tasik Taiping for the morning exercise, dubbed the 1Malaysia Exercise, yesterday

His wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, Deputy Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Tan Lian Hoe and Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir and wife Datin Seri Sharipah Zulkifli also took part in the 30-minute exercise.

With the people: Najib having breakfast with Taiping folk at Casual Market after the 1Malaysia Exercise at the Esplanade in Taman Tasik Taiping yesterday

Najib then boarded a bus and headed for the Casual Market here. The popular market was already a hive of activity when he arrived, with people thronging the food stalls for breakfast.

Joy to meet: 500 pulling crowds gathered at Taiping market foodcourt in welcoming Najib

Smiling, Najib alighted from the bus and the people began crowding around to welcome him.

He joined them for a nasi lemak, popiah and teh tarik breakfast.

The Prime Minister spent nearly an hour at the market, mingling with and talking to stall owners.

Police maintained order as a group of about 15 people attempted to hand over to Najib what they said was a copy of a police report against an enforcement officer of the Taiping Municipal Council, whom they claimed had mistreated one of them.

Later in the evening, Najib and his wife attended the premier screening of Ah Beng The Movie: Three Wishes and joined cast members to usher in Chinese New Year festivities at the Golden Screen Cinemas, Pavilion shopping complex, in Kuala Lumpur.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Setting them straight - Amanjaya Career and Talent Placement Centre (PeKA)

MANY jobseekers registered with the Amanjaya Career and Talent Placement Centre (PeKA) are interested in serving the government, but for the wrong reasons.

Aminuddin Hashim, the chief executive officer of the state’s think-tank Institut Darul Ridzuan, which PeKA comes under, said it was found that many wanted to work in the public sector because it was “more relaxed” compared with the private sector.

“This is based on feedback from jobseekers, including those currently serving in the private sector.

“For this kind of jobseekers, we normally give counselling to correct their perception and get them to set their priorities accordingly,” Aminuddin told reporters during a briefing last Friday.

He said, at present there are about 10,000 jobseekers registered with PeKA. About half of them are already in employment, but looking for better job opportunities elsewhere.

He said the state’s unemployment rate is not serious at 3.2%, which is slightly lower than the national figure of 3.4%.

“Unemployment in Perak is manageable for now, but our worry is that there will always be economic uncertainties.

“We are concerned that if the global economy continues to worsen, then our state, with its many manufacturing companies that rely on the export market, may also be affected,” he said.

Aminuddin, said PeKA had already been making preparations for a gloomy global economic outlook.

“Various re-training and new-skills programmes are already in place and will be used should the need arise,” he added.

On another matter, Aminuddin said the IDR is expected to undergo some minor restructuring this year.

“We are currently refining things to strengthen our role as the state’s main think-tank.

“An announcement on this will be made soon,” he said without elaborating on the restructuring

BNBBC Members To Reach Out To Voters At Retreat In North Perak - Perak Today

IPOH,- “Sentuhan Kasih” — a Barisan Nasional outreach programme — will be the main agenda for 135 Barisan Nasional Backbenchers Club (BNBBC) members during a retreat in north Perak on Jan 12-14.

BNBBC chairman Datuk Mohd Nadzri Ismail said the programme seeks to bring leaders and the people closer.

“The programme this time is very different from those in the past. This time the members have more time to mingle with the people,” he told Bernama here, today.

He said through various activities, the elected representatives would get to know more deeply the problems faced by the people.

The programme, which will take place in eight parliamentary and 20 state constituencies, will be opened by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in Simpang, Taiping on Jan 14.

He hoped the members would sincerely listen to the people, and for the people to get to know the elected representatives.

The BNBBC members will be staying with a adopted families in 135 villages for three days and two nights.

They must also visit 20 houses in every village to identify the problems they faced and spread information on the progress of the government’s transformation programmes.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Pertandingan Bola Sepak 7 Sebelah anjuran Pemuda MIC Perak dan Pemuda BN Perak

Pertandingan Bola Sepak 7 Sebelah Piala MB Perak anjuran Pemuda MIC Perak dan Pemuda BN Perak yang pada awalnya dijadualkan pada 29 Jan 2012 telah ditunda ke 5 Feb 2012.

YAB Menteri Besar Perak Dato' Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir untuk acara penutup.

Semua Ketua Pemuda MIC Bahagian dijemput untuk menghantar 1 pasukan bagi memeriahkan pertandingan ini.

Bersama kita jayakan pertandingan ini. Terima kasih.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pemuda MIC Perak membantah sekeras-kerasnya Himpunan 100,000 orang untuk menggertak Badan Kehakiman

Malaysia mengamalkan sistem Demokrasi Berparlimen di bawah pentadbiran Raja Berperlembagaan dengan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong sebagai Ketua Negara.

Salah satu syarat sistem Kerajaan Demokrasi Berparlimen adalah pembahagian kuasa tadbir urus kepada tiga bahagian iaitu Kuasa Eksekutif, Kuasa Kehakiman dan Kuasa Perundangan. Pembahagian kuasa ini dilaksanakan di peringkat Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Kerajaan Negeri.


Justeru, sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang berpegang kepada amalan demokrasi di mana minoriti mesti menerima hak majoriti yang telah ditentukan rakyat. Sama ada parti penyokong kerajaan atau parti pembangkang, semua pihak mesti memahami tiga kuasa tadbir urus seperti tersebut di atas.

Oleh yang demikian, Pakatan Rakyat yang cuba meraih sokongan rakyat dengan mengadakan himpunan 100,000 pada 9 Jan 2012 hanya semata-mata seseorang tertentu menunjukkan mereka tidak menghormati hak majoriti rakyat yang cintakan keamanan. Himpunan ini seolah-olah untuk mempengaruhi kebebasan badan kehakiman negara atau lebih tepat lagi menggertak badan kehakiman akan keputusan yang akan diumumkan nanti.

Setakat hari ini jam 2 ptg PDRM telah menerima sebanyak 475 laporan polis membantah himpunan tersebut yang memang menyusahkan rakyat untuk berniaga, untuk pergi ke pejabat, membeli-belah serta mensesakkan lalu lintas.

Pemuda MIC Perak turut membantah himpunan 100,000 orang anjuran Pakatan Rakyat yang tidak menghormati langsung hak majoriti dalam sistem demokrasi amalan Malaysia.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Perak BN candidates may be renominated - Malaysiakini

The Perak Barisan Nasional does not rule out the possibility that candidates who had lost in the last general election may be renominated to contest in the 13th general election.

Its chairman Zambry Abdul Kadir said the state BN had compiled various information and feedback from the public on the candidates who had lost in the previous election.

"These candidates had probably lost or won narrowly in the previous general election... but we must know the reasons for their defeat.

"To me, some of them actually could have won but because of the political tsunami that had occurred, they were defeated," he told reporters after the official opening of the Bercham Alternative Road to the North-South Expressway in Ipoh today.

He said that based on the information gathered, it was found that many people had requested that the defeated candidates be renominated in the coming general election.

Zambry, who is also the Perak menteri besar, said the feedback revealed that the public also expressed regret for not voting the defeated candidates in the last general election.

"When I go down on the ground, I not only meet with the Umno and BN members but also the traders and other communities. I received numerous feedback on the matter," he said.

He said that he found out many of the defeated candidates continued to carry out their responsibility to help the community and this gave them the advantage to be renominated.

Laporan Bergambar Mesyuarat Pemuda MIC Perak - 2 Jan 2012

Semalam 2 Januari 2012 telah diadakan mesyuarat Pemuda MIC Perak. Mesyuarat ini adalah mesyuarat terakhir bagi tahun 2011.

Ketua Pemuda MIC Perak, Sdra M. Veeran telah mempengerusikan mesyuarat ini yang disertai oleh 16 orang AJK. Ianya telah diadakan di Bangunan MIC Negeri Perak di Ipoh bermula jam 6 ptg.

Ketua Pemuda MIC memulakan mesyuarat dengan mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru kepada semua AJK yang hadir dan menyeru mereka supaya meningkatkan azam mereka demi untuk membantu BN dalam PRU13 serta menjaga kebajikan masyarakat India.

Dalam mesyuarat ini telah dibincangkan agenda utama bagi bulan Januari 2012 iaitu Pertandingan Bola Sepak 7 sebelah Piala MB Perak. Pertandingan ini telah dijadualkan pada 29 Januari 2012 dan akan dirasmikan oleh YAB Menteri Besar Perak, Dato Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir dan YBhg Dato' S. Veerasingam. Manakala penutupan secara rasmi akan dijalankan oleh YB Khairi Jamaluddin, Ketua Pemuda Kebangsaan BN dan Sdra T. Mohan, Ketua Pemuda MIC Kebangsaan.

Objektif pertandingan ini adalah untuk mencungkil bakat baru untuk menyertai pasukan pelapis bola sepak Perak. 30 Pasukan dijangka akan mengambil bahagian dalam pertandingan ini. Ianya akan diadakan di Padang Ipoh.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Pomelo growers happy to receive land titles and have their debts waived - The Star

S WE welcome 2012 into our midst, it is a good opportunity for Perak folk to reflect on events and issues that have shaped 2011.

People from all walks of life received cheer and happiness throughout 2011 with squatters receiving their long-awaited land titles.

The Tambun pomelo farmers have also rejoiced after receiving titles to land, which their families had laboured on for generations.

Jubilant: The Ipoh pomelo growers receiving their land titles

A total of 55 pomelo farmers and 15 families from the Batu 5 area received 99-year leasehold titles.

Their debts of up to thousands of ringgits, racked up from penalties for illegally occupying government land, was waived by the state.

MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek had also announced that the application for land titles, involving some 430 farmers in Kampar was in its final stages.

The news brings hope to the farmers, who have been toiling on their lands for several decades.

Others were also not left out as the state 2012 budget tabled by Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir in November provided them with similar goodies.

A total of RM18mil was allocated to eradicate poverty in the state, of which, RM5mil would be used in a Food Aid Programme to benefit 5,000 poor families in the state.

An allocation of RM4mil was also allocated to increase the capital for the existing Micro Credit Programme, which had been proven effective in empowering the less fortunate.

The programme allows its recipients to run their own businesses to escape the poverty cycle and improve their living standards.

The needy were also included in the budget. They will continue to receive aid to allow them to purchase essential items to celebrate their respective festivals through the Festive Cash Aid Programme through an RM1mil allocation.

Dr Zambry happy with the progress of the state and the issues resolved after he took over - The Star

MENTRI Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir recently spoke to The Star on his work and achievements for the year and on his plans for 2012. These are the points he shared.

Q: What are your reflections for year 2011, and your high points?

A: There are so many. I can list down many things but what I would like to say is that we have continued to manage the state peacefully and progressively, which I feel are the most important.

All smiles: People from all walks of life thronged Dr Zambry and his wife Datin Seri Saripah Zulkifli’s Raya open house held at his official residence on first day of Raya

Despite all the problems that we faced in 2011, we continue to sustain the economy and prosperity of the state.

Our economic achievements are reflected in the performance of our agencies and state government-linked companies as can be seen in the Perak Water Board, Perak Agriculture Development Corporation and also the State Development Corporation, which to a certain extent is beginning to show some improvement in terms of revenue.

Overall, I am happy to see the state moving; and to see the economic and construction sectors booming in Perak.

If one goes around Ipoh or even Taiping, Tanjung Malim and Seri Iskandar, Manjung and Parit Buntar, the development taking place there is very obvious. This is in spite of the criticism that we hear or receive from certain quarters.

With the people’s support, including from the business community whom have shown its confidence in the state by bringing in huge investments, and the business-friendly environment we have created, we are starting to move in terms of economic progress.

Q: You mentioned about investments in the state, what is the proportion between private and government initiatives?

A: I would say that more than 80% are private driven projects and only 20% are government projects, of which the allocations come from the Federal Government.

Q: Can you give us a few examples of what had been achieved in the year?

A: In the area of administration, we have been trying all this while to solve the number of backlog of cases within the Land and Mines Department and at the state executive council level.

I am happy to note that we have settled more that 6,900 files since we took over the state and that is a sign of major improvement in the public service sector.

There is also improvement in the rapport between departments, which I feel is encouraging. In the past, it was difficult for one department to get the support of another. As a result, it had taken years to look into a simple application with the file being passed around from department to department.

What we have done is to set up a One-Stop-Centre, not only at the state level, but also at the district level to speed up the processing of applications.

In terms of policies, the state has initiated several new initiatives, including Perak Aman Jaya, a long-term development plan to move Perak towards becoming a developed state. It is beginning to show results.

As for political stability, I can safely say that the less hostile environment has given us more opportunity to serve the people and to manage the state.

We have also been doing things differently. An example is the state Budget 2012.

We engaged the people and listened to them. Going to the ground had really helped us feel what they are going through and gain a lot of information as well.

We even conducted pre-Budget discussions, which were not done before this.

Q: Land problems like farmers toiling on land without a title for decades are a major problem in the state. What are the steps taken to resolve such problems?

A: Land issues are rather complicated and need to be resolved on a case-by-case basis. It requires time, some taking longer than others.

But that does not mean we are not working on these issues involving prawn breeders, ornamental fish breeders, pomelo growers and vegetable farmers.

We have a broad spectrum of problems of people cultivating on government land illegally.

And so, how do we solve this problem when it involves not just 40ha or 80ha but hundreds of hectares?

What more with the tedious task of land plotting and surveying, which is not an easy task, and everyone claiming that a plot of land belonged to them.

The state has to plan carefully. Some claim that the state does not want to help farmers. This is not true at all. We have to do it sector by sector, one by one, in order to solve the problem.

We have settled the issue of prawn breeders, which involved hundreds of people, and already, we are half way through solving the problem faced by ornamental fish breeders.

Elsewhere, we have started issuing titles to pomelo farmers in Tambun.

The state is of the opinion that there is no one set formula to go about this. We will not do justice to these farmers if we apply a standard formula on all applications.

Q: There is this fear of a slowdown in the economy next year due to the recession in Europe. How will Perak be affected?

A: We have to carefully trust the economic vision of the state because whatever happens to the economy outside, especially in Europe and the United States, it will somehow affect our country’s economy and also of the state.

In order to sustain our economic growth, we have to really look into certain areas, for example, giving more emphasis to domestic products, creating more economic activities locally and also increasing our exports at the interstate level.

Agriculture is also one area where demands are increasing over time.

We need to look at different sectors and markets. We have to look towards emerging markets such as China, India and also Indonesia. That said, I believe the recent signing of the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle will be helpful to the state.

In other words, we have to make sure our economy is not vulnerable to global uncertainties.

Q: Perak has many tourist attractions, which can be highlighted but it has been said that efforts to promote these attractions are lacking. Do you feel that the local councils are doing enough to promote tourist attractions in their respective areas?

A: We are fully aware of this and are addressing the issue. We know these are God’s treasures to Perak and if we plan well, we can benefit from them.

We have everything, from the sea to the mountains, lots of delicacies and food products. If we can combine them to make Perak a saleable product, tourists will come here.

Q: There have been complaints that facilities and basic amenities, including public toilets, are lacking despite 2012 being Visit Perak Year. How do you view this?

A: We have also raised this issue with the Federal Government and hope it will come forward with the financial assistance that we need to execute our plans. We understand facilities in certain areas are not up to mark but we are planning.

We are also aware of the complaints that certain basic amenities are not in place. There are cases where toilets built today are vandalised the next day. Even the bidet goes missing. It is a shame that some citizens are not civic-minded.

Q: The state has set 2012 to achieve squatter-free status. Do you think it is achievable as the issue has been dragging on for decades while the previous target set had been 2005? What is the state doing to avoid the emergence of new squatter settlements?

A: We had initially set 2012 or 2013 to be squatter-free but due to political uncertainties and political problems in the state, we had to review our target.

But this is not to show that the state has failed to meet its target. In fact, it is not a fixed target but one that is constantly changing.

I think we have so far, managed to solve 74% of the cases based on those who are registered with us but then again, we may find some more people claiming to be squatters tomorrow. And so, we have to keep readjusting our target.

Q: Local councils are considered the third tier of government as they are in direct contact with the people who have high expectations. What is your assessment of their performance? What steps will be taken by the state government to strengthen its local councils?

A: Local councils play very important roles as they are the implementers. They ensure the smooth running of the government’s policies in providing service to the people.

And so, I expect them to perform more efficiently. Councils cannot be sleeping, they have to be proactive and continue to serve and deal with local issues.

In the past, we did not have a proper line of communication between council presidents and the state government.

It used to be very official where meetings were held only once in three to four months. And then, they will be called to meet the mentri besar to discuss issues from time to time or meet the mentri besar during official visits to their areas.

That has all changed. During my time, we have initiated a monthly meeting between district officers, council presidents and the MB.

It is an avenue for them to freely communicate with the MB. In some ways, it is like another form of a state executive meeting where we discuss policies and problems openly. This is one of the things we have done to change or to transform our local councils and also district offices.

Q: Next year is considered an extremely challenging year. What is your outlook, especially with the looming general election?

A: The year 2012 will present a new set of challenges but how you look at it is no different.

As far as Barisan Nasional and the state are concerned, we will continue with our policies to help the people. We will stick to existing policies that benefit the people at large.

Regardless of what year we are in, we cannot take things for granted anymore because the political landscape is different and the political reality is also different.

We must be prepared mentally, physically as well as spiritually to face the challenges ahead.

No place for saboteurs, says Zambry - The Star

IPOH: Perak Barisan Nasional will not field “saboteurs” as candidates in the next general election even if they are “winnable candidates”.

Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir said candidates who were selected to represent Barisan must have “winnability” and loyalty.

“I cannot allow those who have sabotaged the party in the past to stand as candidates again, knowing fully well they had cost us the state government. These people should not be made elected representatives just because they are winnable candidates, as required by the coalition's top leadership.

“I believe true winnable candidates are not saboteurs,” he told The Star in a special interview at his official residence here.

Asked about his criteria of a winnable candidate, Dr Zambry, who is state Barisan chairman, said such candidates, whether old or young, were well-liked and accepted by the people and ready to sacrifice their own interests for the people.

He said the task of identifying winnable candidates was continuous, adding that Perak Barisan was in the midst of doing so.

“The most important thing is that those who are not winnable must go, regardless of their age,” he added.

Dr Zambry said the people should not only expect long-serving Barisan leaders to make way for fresh faces but also expect the same of Opposition party leaders.

“While Barisan is being expected to field fresh candidates, the Opposition must also do the same, instead of retaining the same leaders for decades.

“There are Opposition leaders who are way over 70, but still refuse to relinquish their positions,” he said.

On talk that he might be fielded in a parliamentary seat instead of a state seat in the next election, the Pangkor assemblyman said he would leave the matter to the leadership.

“Being mentri besar is not my ultimate aim. My aim is to be with Barisan and to serve the people,” said the two-term assemblyman

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Majlis Penyampaian Sumbangan Kepada Pelajar-Pelajar Cemerlang India SJK(T) di Beruas, Perak - 1 Jan 2012

Petang tadi jam 4ptg telah diadakan Majlis Penyampaian Sumbangan kepada Pelajar-Pelajar SJK(T) di Beruas. Pelajar-pelajar cemerlang ini mendapat 7A dalam peperiksaan UPSR yang lepas. Majlis ini adalah anjuran Pemuda MIC Beruas dan Pemuda MIC Perak.

Seramai 100 orang telah hadir dalam majlis ini. Antara yang hadir termasuk YBhg Dato' Manap, Ketua UMNO bahagian Beruas, Penyeleras Parlimen Beruas En. Yeow, Pengerusi MIC Bahagian Beruas, En. Narayan Samy, Tuan ASP Manivanan dari Balai Polis Manjung.

Sdra M. Veeran, Ketua Pemuda MIC Perak (tiga dari kanan) bersama Dato' Manap dalam penyampaian sumbangan kepada pelajar cemerlang

Turut hadir adalah Sdra M. Veeran (Ketua Pemuda MIC Perak), Sdra Ramachandran (Timbalan Ketua Pemuda MIC Perak) dan Sdra D. Thirumurugan (Ahli Majlis Tertinggi Pemuda MIC Kebangsaan).

Sebahagian dari pelajar cemerlang dalam peperiksaan UPSR 2011

Dalam majlis ini seramai 24 orang pelajar cemerlang telah diberi RM100 setiap orang. Ketua Pemuda MIC Perak, Sdra Veeran, turut menyumbangkan sebanyak RM50 kepada setiap orang pelajar cemerlang ini. Sumbangan ini diharap dapat menjadi pendorong kepada pelajar-pelajar ini agar menjadi pelajar lebih cemerlang di masa akan datang.

Dalam ucapannya, Ketua Pemuda MIC Perak, Sdra Veeran berkata, Pemuda MIC Perak sentiasa memberi sokongan kepada masyarakat India terutama dalam pendidikan mereka. Hanya dengan pendidikan yang cemerlang dapat mengubah nasib kaum India dan ini adalah hasrat utama MIC.